5 December 2024
Principal’s Address
From the Finance Team
Lower School Deputy Principals’ Update
Senior School Deputy Principals’ Update
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Newton Moore Stars
Student Services Update
Learning Areas
Aboriginal Education
Choice Programs
News from Parent Bodies
2024 Student Leadership
Community Notices
Principal’s Address

Principal’s Message
Kaya/ welcome
Merry Xmas
Just like that, we have reached the end of another productive and successful year at Newton Moore Senior High School. Once again, the school community has worked together to overcome challenges, embrace opportunities, and celebrate some amazing achievements across the year. This newsletter is particularly significant as it will be my last principals report in the Schoolzine.
I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed my 21 years as Principal of Newton Moore Senior High School, and I am very proud of the unique and outstanding improved educational environment with three major building and grounds upgrades in that time.
Reflecting on the time I've spent here; I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the school's growth and success. I hope that some of the legacies I leave behind, such as our Specialist Science programs, Horizons and Engineering, will continue to inspire future generations of students. The leadership and sporting programs, particularly MASH, and the establishment of the Aboriginal Boys and Girls Academies, hold a special place in my heart, and I trust they will remain cornerstone successes for the school. It has been an honour to witness and be part of the journey of so many young people, and while I will miss the daily interactions and the vibrant energy of the school community, I leave knowing that Newton Moore SHS will continue to thrive, and its positive impact will endure for years to come.
For the past 44 years, I have been privileged to have worked in government education, and I cannot think of a better career. As a principal, it can sometimes be very challenging, but schools are also inspiring and rewarding. I have always found our staff to be caring, nurturing, guiding and protective towards our students. I have been overwhelmed with the staffs’ continual unwavering dedication towards improving student learning and the difference they have made has been profound.
I wish to take this final opportunity to thank everyone for trusting me with our beautiful school’s leadership and for your kind and generous farewell messages. I am looking forward to my retirement and spending time with my husband who has been retired for a number of years. I am also looking forward to plenty of overseas travel, and of course spending quality time with my lovely grandchildren.
We are lucky enough to have Mrs Kate Nightingale to be principal in 2025 until the department of education advertises the permanent vacancy.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Take care over the festive season.
Susan Kerr M.ED.Admin.B.Ed.,Dip Teach
From the Finance Team

2024 Contributions and Charges
A big thank you to all of our parents and caregivers who have paid their contributions and charges in full, or have set up payment plans Your commitment to our school is appreciated.
2025 Contributions and Charges Booklet

The 2025 Contributions & Charges booklet is now available on our school website and via the link below. The booklet has valuable information regarding
- Subject costs
- Approved excursion costs
- Uniform shop
- “Bring your own device”
- Secondary Assistance Scheme allowance for concession card holders
How to Make Your Payments
- Bank Transfer
Account name: Newton Moore Senior High School
BSB: 036-134
Account #: 19-7827
Reference: Student name - BPay
Biller Code: 106708
Use the unique reference number on your invoice or contact the accounts office to obtain this number. - Centrepay
Newton Moore Centrelink CRN: 555 062 848L
Pay a portion f your Centrelink payment to the school. - In Person
Payment by eftpos and cash at the accounts office, Mon-Fri 8am to 3.45pm - By Phone
Call accounts Mon-Fri 8am to 3.45pm 9722 2419 to pay by credit card
Payment Plans
Flexible payment plans are available to all families, making payment of schooling costs easier by paying a small amount regularly. It is never too late to start a payment plan and payments can continue through all school holiday periods if made to the school bank account.
Contact the Accounts office if you are experiencing difficulties with your child(s) school costs so we can find a solution to suit your needs.
Education Allowances

Concession Card Holders - APPLY NOW – reduce your fees!!
2025 Secondary Assistance Allowance
Application forms are available now, save time by completing the form this term, saving you time when the 2025 school year begins. Forms can be submitted to the school by:
- Click on the link below and complete your application
- Email to accounts on newtonmoore.shs.accounts@education.wa.edu.au.
- You must also email in both sides of your concession card
In Person
Bring your concession card and bank details to the accounts office to complete a paper application.
Please note, your concession card must be a family card in the parent/caregiver name with the student/s listed as dependants and valid during term 1 of next year.
The deadline for applications is Friday 11th April 2025
2025 Contributions & Charges lists
The list of subjects your child/ren are enrolled in for 2025 are being emailed out to all parents over the next 2 weeks. Please check your email inbox and reply to the email if you have any questions regarding the subjects and/or costs listed.
2025 Resource List for Years 7-12 Now Available
The 2025 booklists are available to parents in the attachments below, by email request to the accounts office email address, or a paper copy can be obtained by visiting the school office.
Online Order – Deadline for home delivery Friday 13 December 2024.
Campion have retail stores in Malaga and Canning Vale for families who regularly travel to the metro area.
Need more information?
Contact Michele in the Accounts office for further information regarding school costs.
Phone: 9722 2419 Email: newtonmoore.shs.accounts@education.wa.edu.au
You could win a Micro Computer
If you pay your 2025 contributions and charges, in full, by 28th April 2025, you will go into the draw to win a Micro Computer.
If you pay using a payment plan, all of the costs need to be paid by 28th April 2025 to be entered into the draw.
See our poster below for more information.
Start your payment plan now to ensure your 2025 contributions and charges are paid by the competition deadline of 28th April 2025, and be entered in the draw.

Lower School Deputy Principals’ Update
Semester 2 Reports
Semester 2 reports for Years 7-10 will be emailed home on Wednesday, 11th December 2024.
Attendance Matters.
As we approach the end of the year, it's important to stay engaged and make the most of every school day. Even though some courses may have finished their assessments, our dedicated teachers will continue to deliver valuable curriculum and maintain a normal class schedule. Let's ensure our students arrive at school every day, eager and ready to learn, right up until the last day. Your support in encouraging consistent attendance is greatly appreciated.
Transition Day
It was wonderful to see all the Year 6 students so engaged and excited to explore their future high school during Transition Day! We look forward to welcoming them to NMSHS at the start of 2025.
The first day back will be on 5th February 2025. Our Year 7 students will meet on the lawns outside Student Services (where they met on Transition Day). Here, they will receive their timetables and have a brief assembly.
We can't wait to see you all in the new year!
End of Year Activities
To celebrate and acknowledge the efforts of our students throughout the year, we will be having an Activities Day on the last day of term, Thursday 12 December 2025.
Students have been making their selections in class for what they will be doing. Those who have maintained their good standing will be invited to go to either Koombana Bay Beach, the cinemas, laser tag, or bowling. Activities will also be run at school for students who do not wish to go to these events.
Let’s finish the year strong and have an enjoyable time!
Senior School Deputy Principals’ Update
Year 12 Presentation Evening
What a fantastic way to celebrate our Year 12s! It's remarkable to reflect on the journey our students have taken from Year 7 to Year 12. It was an honour to bid them farewell one last time, and we wish them all the best as their journey continues.
We look forward to watching them reach their aspirations and remind them that we are always happy to hear from them. Congratulations to the Class of 2024.

Year 11 Induction Day.
As our Year 10 students move into their final two years of schooling, many changes will occur. From the structure of their week to the expectations of certificate courses and meeting deadlines, these years are pivotal.
To help with this transition, Thursday and Friday, the 6th and 7th of February, will be induction days for our Year 11 students. During these two days, students will receive specific information about their courses and how these relate to achieving the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE). Additionally, they will hear from guest speakers who will provide advice on future career opportunities and information on accessing support to become effective and organized Upper School students.
We look forward to supporting our students through this exciting new chapter!
Year 11 Laptops.
It is a requirement that all Year 11 and 12 students bring their own devices to school to ensure they always have access to their coursework in all classes.
To support this, Year 10 and 11 students will be offered the opportunity to purchase a second-hand laptop from the school. These laptops are provided on a needs basis, and the current Year 10 cohort has already been surveyed to create a waiting list.
To arrange for your laptop to be available for collection on induction day, please contact Alison Myles in Administration.

During the Summer break from school, we hope your students take the opportunity to recharge their batteries so they can return, fully charged, for the new school year in 2025.
Remembering that if children are healthy, they should be encouraged to attend class when school is open. Every day of school is an important opportunity to learn, connect with peers and teachers and benefit from being able to learn and achieve. Daily routines are essential for reducing stress and creating a sense of security for students and parents.
We look forward to seeing you again when school resumes on – WEDNESDAY, 5th FEBRUARY 2025
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Thank You, Students!
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our students for diligently following our school expectations. Your commitment has ensured that our school remains a safe environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow.
As we approach the end of the year, we want to emphasize our expectation of CELEBRATING SUCCESS. Well done to all our students! Success comes in many shapes and forms, and we encourage you to celebrate each and every one of them.
Keep up the great work, and let's continue to support each other in our journey of learning and achievement.

Newton Moore Stars
South Bunbury Junior Football Club Presentation Evening Awards

Two of our students walked away with a swag of trophies at this year’s presentation evening.
Well done girls!
Danisha Ryder -Hill
Kearney Award – Female Footballer of the Year 2024
Murphy Family Award – Year 6 – 7 Girls Fairest & Best 2024
South-West Junior Football League – Runner Up Fairest & Best Year 6-7 Girls 2024
South-West junior Football League Premiers – Youth Girls Year 6-7 A Division 2024.
Elektra Ryder-Hill
South Bunbury Junior Football Club – Year 6 – 7 Girls - 3rd Fairest and Best.
South-West junior Football League Premiers – Youth Girls Year 6-7 A Division 2024.
Student Services Update
Congratulations on reaching the end of Term 4, 2024! It’s been an incredible year, filled with amazing achievements and unforgettable memories. We are incredibly proud of your progress and growth.
Our ‘Sensational Sevens’ have made a smooth and positive transition into Newton Moore, and alongside our ‘Extraordinary Eights’, they’ve experienced a range of fun excursions, including school discos, winter carnivals, the Battle of the Knights, and much more. We’ve also watched our young leadership group flourish into inspiring leaders, with their confidence growing each day.
It’s been a joy to see our ‘Notable Nines’ and ‘Terrific Tens’ mature into confident, capable young individuals. They’ve participated in various sports competitions, workplace experience programs that gave them a taste of the working world, and more recently, a youth mental health first aid program.
As we wind down to Christmas and the Summer holidays, we still have a few exciting events to look forward to—Shining Knights, Golden Knights, and the end-of-term Fun Day. Let’s finish the year on a high note and continue striving to be our best.
On behalf of the Student Services team, we wish you all a safe holiday season, a wonderful Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Bring on 2025 and the exciting new challenges ahead!
Learning Areas
Year 10 Australian Science Fair students Jai Jarvis, Joshua Sciesinski, and Tamsyn Adamson confidently presented their independent research at the John Monash Science School in Melbourne. This included both an oral and poster component. One school per state is selected to attend, and Newton Moore's science specialist programs allowed us to compete for this position successfully again this year. Well done students on your hard work and preparation.
The Australian Science Fair activities included identifying bone breaks and bacterial selection as part of a biophysics display. Newton Moore is grateful to hosts John Monash Science School for the opportunity to engage in such a high-quality learning experience.
The students also explored impressive sites in the city like the Melbourne Museum and Victoria State Library. They visited the most complete real dinosaur in the country and saw preserved Phar Lap and Ned Kelly's armour.
Thank you to the ILUKA Lends a Hand Community Funding Support for making this possible.

Throughout the school year, students completing a certificate in Community Services or enrolled in Child Development, participate in a school-based playgroup each week. The playgroup focuses on developing skills to work with children and to gain knowledge into the planning of play activities suitable for ages from 1 year to 5 years. It has been an extremely successful program that has been a part of Newton Moore for over 20 years!
If you or someone you know would like to be involved in Playgroup 2025, enrolments are now open. The playgroup is free to the community, children are supervised on a one to one ratio in a safe, enclosed environment. It will commence FRIDAY 7TH March for a 2 hour block between 8.45 am and 10.45 am. Parents or caregivers are welcome to stay or enjoy a little break away! You do not have to commit to the full 2 hours or every week, it is a learning environment and lots of fun. Forms are available from the front office or at Student Services. Any further information please contact Ms. Gaynor Tuck in the Technology Department during school hours on 9722 475.

Aboriginal Education

Noni Headland has been selected to represent the Western Heat Australian Indigenous State Netball Team in Under 12’s. She will be competing at the Budgies Netball Carnival – Australian Indigenous Netball Championships to be held in Brisbane from the 14th to the 19th January 2025. Well done Noni!
The academy celebrated its 2024 year with the annual Clontarf Awards during Week 6. The afternoon was an opportunity to celebrate the fantastic achievement of our boys this year, with a number rewarded with receiving Clontarf awards throughout the night. We said farewell to our largest graduating class in the academy history and celebrated their journey here at the academy. A special congratulations to Rivah Cobby and Barry Humphries, two Year 7 boys who nominated themselves to be our MC’s on the night and did a fantastic job.

Our final camp for the term will be for Year 7-9 boys to the Margaret River region across three days. This camp is for the students who have demonstrated excellent school attendance, behaviour and upheld the Clontarf spirit this term. These boys will take part in a number of great activities including basketball against Busselton SHS, an employment tour of Big W, Surfing lessons, visiting Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse, Mammoth Cave and Yallingup Maze.
Clontarf Superstar of the Month
Sheldon Collard received the 2024 Clontarf MVP award at our Clontarf Awards night. Sheldon was an extremely worthy recipient of this award as he is a wonderful role model for all our boys at the school and in our academy. Sheldon always gives his best effort in everything he does and he is reaping the rewards of that having secured a traineeship with Clontarf partner Western Power and already having his driver’s licence.
Sheldon is a legend, and we will miss him very much here at the Clontarf Academy.

Follow the Dream
The Polly Farmer Foundation Follow the Dream program has concluded for 2024 and I would like to acknowledge those students who participated in the program and their parent/guardians for supporting their child to commit and attend to the afterschool tutoring sessions. Also, a big thank you to those Newton Moore teaching staff who supported the students during the after school tutoring sessions. For more information of the program, please refer to Follow the Dream | Polly Farmer Foundation
If you have any further questions, and would like your child to be involved in 2025 please contact James Skoda, Follow the Dream Coordinator Newton Moore Senior High School by email james.Skoda@education.wa.edu.au or mobile number 0477 931 008.
Choice Programs
Over the last five weeks students in Year 8 MASH have received specialist Badminton coaching from Rosemary, Nigel, Rob, and Minnie from the Bunbury Badminton Association. Made possible from Sporting Schools funding, students have learnt the basic rules, serving techniques as well as skills to initiate and maintain game play.

Riley Bray
Recently, Year 10 MASH Student, Riley Bray had the honour of competing in the Youth International Gryphon Cup Under 16s Hockey Tournament in Perth.
Having represented WA Hockey in the Under 16s State Hockey Tournament in Hobart Tasmania earlier this year, Riley was invited back to compete in the Youth International Gryphon Cup in Perth alongside his WA State team mates to play against other Under 16 WA State and Academy Hockey teams, as well as teams from Victoria, Malaysia, and Japan!
Riley and his team The Highlanders (WA State Black) had a fabulous Tournament and played some outstanding hockey finishing up 3rd out of 12 boys’ teams and bringing home the Bronze medal!!
Year 9 Beach Awareness
Students in Year 9 MASH have enjoyed their beach awareness sessions over the last four weeks. Although a few weeks of less than desirable conditions, students built their fitness as well as learning valuable skills to keep safe at the beach in the future.

Year 10 MASH Surfing
Mr Hayward has been imparting his surfing skills to our Year 10 MASH class this term as they learn to read the waves, build their confidence and surfing ability. A great challenge for our students within the MASH program.

Darling Range Sports College after-school competition
On Thursday Week 6, we hosted Darling Range Sports College for an after-school competition. Our year 7 and 8 students represented our school proudly and gave it their all. We are super proud of their efforts, with all of them playing against students much older than them. Big thanks to Mr Brook for organising and our Year 10 MASH students for coaching and umpiring.

News from Parent Bodies
Canteen News
As of next year, Term 1 2025, we will be trialling a new way to operate our Canteen service.
Monday & Tuesday will run as per usual: open 8.15am for breakfast snacks & ordering for Break 1. These Two days will have over-the-counter service & ordering, & also online ordering available.

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday will run as ORDER ONLY days. Orders MUST be placed on these days, as we will not be making extras for over the counter.
Online Ordering is offered through My School Connect. Use the QR code to register or go to myschoolconnect.com.au

Also starting next year will be our NEW
AFTER-SCHOOL SNACK SHACK. This will run from 3pm – 3.30pm. Serving snacks and drinks.
Please join our Knights of the Moore P&C Canteen Facebook page to be notified of any specials and canteen news.
👩🍳👨🍳 Our Canteen is seeking volunteers. MasterChef’s’ & Sandwich Experts Welcome 😁
Once upon a time there were 60 now, we are down to 2.
We would love for new parents/careers & grandparents at the school to come donate their time. Meet new people, make friends & learn something new.
All that is required is:
☆ 1 or 2 free hours on any Mon-Fri between 8.30- 2.30
☆ Loads of enthusiasm
☆ Working w/Children check if none of your children or grandchildren attend the school,
☆Food Handling Certificate. This is a free course run through The City Of Bunbury, it only takes an hour (possibly less), to complete.
For your valued time we will provide you with a healthy lunch (for yourself or a child of your choosing), & all the tea & coffee you can drink.
📧 Send us an email nmshs-canteen@bigpond.com, or pop in for a cuppa & a chat.
All Volunteers will get a welcome pack with all the info you need to join our happy canteen team 🌻

Thank you to everyone for your wonderful support this year. We appreciate it very much.
We would like to wish the Staff and all the Newton Moore Students a very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays. We hope you all enjoy some time with your families and look forward to seeing everyone again next year.
Stay Safe & Have fun!
From The Canteen Crew
School Board
Tribute to our chair of the schoolboard: Andrew Templeman
I wanted to take a moment to personally thank our School Board Chair, Andrew Templeman for his outstanding leadership and dedication over the past seven years on the school board, with the last four as Chair. His unwavering commitment to improving our schools and driving positive change has made a lasting impact.
He has always been a great listener, asking thoughtful, relevant questions that ensure all perspectives are heard. His ability to lead with patience, clarity, and a strong focus on what’s best for our students and community has set a standard that will be difficult to follow.
As an ex-student of Newton Moore SHS, I can honestly say that the values Andrew demonstrated throughout his time on the board are exactly what we hope to instil in all our students. His leadership will certainly be missed, but the foundation he helped build will continue to benefit the school for years to come.
Thank you again for all you have done. Your contributions have been invaluable. We wish Andrew all the best for the future.
From the Principal
Susan Kerr
2024 Student Leadership
Another busy year has nearly come and gone at Newton Moore, and it has been another successful year with many exciting activities that our Student Exec and Lower School Leadership team have been a part of organising for our school community.
We have been working hard to create more engaging and high functioning assemblies from our awards assemblies to our special ANZAC ceremony, our themed assemblies including the National Day against Bullying and Harmony Day. Our Lower School students in particular Flynn Gordon, Isabella Tyson and Mark Nesbitt have proven to be outstanding MC’s for our assemblies.
Our team has worked closely with our staff leadership mentors throughout the year, organising our selected fundraising events each term to raise money for these important organisations. In Term 3 we supported our local Rotary Club for the ‘Give a damn, Give a can’ and received many donations from staff, students and parents to support our community members.
The growth and mentoring of our Lower School Leadership team have seen them take on different leadership roles and develop their skills and confidence in public speaking, organising events and sharing ideas within the team and with the school’s leaders.
We are looking forward to supporting the upcoming Year 6 Transition Day and our end of year events such as the Golden Knights excursion, the Shining Knights reward, and our annual end of year Fun Day on the very last day of school. We have a lot to look forward to in the remaining few weeks at school.
This is your Student Leadership team here signing off for 2024!
Happy holidays and stay safe team 😊
Ms Scott, Ms Edwards, Ms Audino and the Student Leadership team.
Community Notices