2 May 2024
Principal’s Address
From the Finance Team
Lower School Deputy Principals’ Update
Senior School Deputy Principals’ Update
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Admin Report
Wellbeing & Program Coordinators Report
Learning Areas
Aboriginal Education
Specialist Programs
Choice Programs
News from Parent Bodies
Community Notices
Principal’s Address
Principal’s Message
Kaya / Welcome
The start of Term Two has been very busy and I would like to commend most students for ensuring we have had a great start to the term. A special thank-you to all our new enrolments: it is fantastic to have you all a part of the Newton Moore SHS community.
Our enrolments are steady at 604 students, and this is a pleasing trend. Student attendance levels, for the majority of students across the school, is satisfactory; however, this remains an area where we are going to focus energy to achieve further improvement.
For students to be able to achieve expected progress levels, a rate of at least 90% attendance is required. Once a student’s attendance falls below this level, it becomes very difficult for them to progress at the desired rate. Our Attendance Officer, SSO staff, and Academy staff continue to phone and conduct home visits. Please remember that parents and carers are required to notify the school of the reasons for any absences.
I would like to acknowledge the great achievement attained by the team representing the school at the Synergy Car Challenges Finals in Perth at Murdoch University. Students Billy Fyfe, Nate Vellois, Jeremiah Dayao, and Brock Sargent flourished at the state finals and achieved third place overall. Well done boys!
The Moore Academy of Sports and Health excursion to Melbourne over the holidays was highly successful. The students had some absolutely wonderful opportunities, such as attending an AFL football game at the MCG, visiting the Victorian Institute of sport, going on a bike ride around Melbourne, and eating lots of delicious Italian food in Lygon Street. A special thank you goes out to the teachers who organised this event and kept all students safe.
Congratulations to our Term One PBS highest point scorers who received a special lunch at the end of term! Thank you for your hard work. We also had a number of students in the 100 Percent Club who were rewarded for achieving 100% attendance. It is always a special time of the term in the last week as we get the opportunity to recognise and thank students who worked exceptionally well. Well done to our Golden Knights and Shining Knights.
Looking forward to another exceptional term.
Susan Kerr M.Ed.Admin, B.Ed,Dip.Teach
Newton Moore SHS
From the Finance Team
WASAP – WA Student Assistance Payment
All parents are eligible to apply for the Student Assistance Payment. The easiest way to apply is through the serviceswa app. However, if you are unable to use the app, please contact the school reception on the details below for assistance with a paper-based application. You will need to provide original documents for 100 points of ID.
For assistance:
Call: 9722 2400 – Ask for Alison Myles or Michele Scanlan
Email: newtonmoore.shs@education.wa.edu.au
Country Week 2024
Sunday 23rd – Friday 28th June.
Parents are reminded to keep up to date with the payment schedule to ensure your child retains their position on the team.
Parents should now be up to payment #5, being $80 due on Friday 10th May.
Please note the payment schedule below for the remaining instalments. All payments are to be received by Friday 9th June 2024.
- 12th May 2024…$80.00
- 26th May 2024…$80.00
- 9th June 2024….$TBA
Payment options: bank transfer, BPay, Eftpos in person or by phone on 9722 2419 newtonmoore.shs.accounts@education.wa.edu.au
Contributions and Charges
A big thank you goes out to all parents and caregivers who have paid contributions and charges in full. We really appreciate your commitment to our school.
It is government policy that parents should contribute towards the cost of educating their children. As all students benefit from the pool of collected subject costs, it is fair to expect that all parents should pay the balance of contributions and charges.
Contributions and charges (C&C’s) form a large part of the school’s income for learning and teaching programs in the school and supports the school in its focus to provide a quality education for all students.
We understand some families experience financial hardship, so we accept payment plans to pay off your costs in small amounts over the year. Parents/caregivers decide on the amount they wish to pay and the frequency of payments to suit the family budget requirements.
Please contact our accounts department to make payment plan arrangements: Michele will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have:
- Email: newtonmoore.shs.accounts@education.wa.edu.au
- Phone: 9722 2419
Our payment options are listed below, these can be used for payment in full or for instalment payments:
- Bank Transfer
Account name: Newton Moore Senior High School
BSB: 036-134
Account #: 19-7827
- BPay
Newton Moore Biller Code: 106708
Please use the unique reference number on your invoice or contact the accounts office to obtain this number.
- Centrepay
If you receive payments from Centrelink, you can choose to have some of your benefit paid to the school. Please contact the Accounts Office to obtain the school’s Centrelink CRN, which you will use to set this up on you Centrelink Portal.
- In Person
The Accounts Office can accept your payment by eftpos and cash during the business hours of 8am and 3.45pm every business day.
- By Phone
Please call the Accounts Office on 9722 2419 to make a payment with your credit card during the business hours of 8am and 3.45pm every business day.
Lower School Deputy Principals’ Update
Welcome back to an exciting Term 2. I trust we have all had a restful break and are ready to embrace all that the term has to offer both academically and socially. I encourage all students to embrace every opportunity that is made available.
A reminder that this is a reporting term: remember to revise work, complete homework, and dedicate sufficient time to preparing for assessment. The library has homework classes on a Wednesday afternoon, from 15:00 – 16:00, where staff can assist you with any difficulties you might be facing.
NAPLAN was moved to earlier in the year. I am sure all the Year 7 and 9 students gave it their best attempt. This data is useful for making school-wide decisions as to meeting the needs of all our students. These results should be out early Term 3.
Senior School Deputy Principals’ Update
OLNA Round 1
This term, we have our first round of OLNA for the Year 10’s , 11’s and 12’s. The table below shows the window each group will be sitting their OLNA. More specific times will be sent out closer to the time.
*Please note the year 10 OLNA writing has been moved and will be run with the Year 11 and 12 cohort. Numeracy and reading will remain in the 22 April – 3 May window.
ONLA Support
All Year 11 and 12 student have access to OLNA Support: this is a web-based platform to assist students in preparing for their OLNA. As we lead up to the OLNA date, students are encouraged to spend time every day completing tasks from the website.
If you have forgotten your login, please speak to your English or Maths teachers and they will be able to assist you.
Year 10 Subject Selections
Now is an important time for our Year 10’s, as they need to start thinking about their pathway and what subjects they will need to choose to achieve their goals.
A survey will go out to all Year 10 students on 30th April, 2024 , where these decisions will need to be made.
There will be a Year 10 Information evening on the 30thApril to give parents and students more information on what is available at Newton Moore SHS. I highly recommend all students and parents attend as the information delivered will make the subject selection process easier.
Year 10 Exams
As we reach the tail end of Semester One, our Year 10’s will sit their first set of exams. This will cover content taught over the entire of Semester One. These will be run in Week 7, from 27th – 31st May 2024.
Students are encouraged to start creating a study timetable and begin the revision process early. Obtaining the course and assessment outline from Connect will enable students to set up a timetable to study and revise the correct content.
The grades achieved in these exams will be used to support the upcoming subject selection process, where students will be picking their subjects for Year 11.
Year 11 Exams
The Year 11 students will be sitting their exams in Week 7, from 27th – 31st May, 2024. Students are required to attend school as per their normal school timetable. Exams will be conducted in class. As this assessment carries a high weighting, students will need to prepare thoroughly. It’s never too early to start revising the content.
Year 12 Externally Set Tasks (EST’s)
All students enrolled in a General Year 12 course and/or a Foundation Year 12 course are required to complete the Externally Set Task (EST) developed by the Authority for that course. The EST is compulsory and forms part of the school-based assessment and is included as a separate assessment type with a weighting of 15% for the pair of units.
EST’s will be sat during Weeks 4 and 5 of Term 2 (6th – 15th May, 2024). Students will receive timetables as soon as specific dates have been confirmed.
Content being assessed in the EST is available to all students. Students can enquire from their classroom teacher, or visit the following website for more information Years 11 and 12 | Externally Set Task Materials (scsa.wa.edu.au).
Study Skills
The 80-20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, suggests that 80% of results come
from just 20% of efforts. How can you apply this principle to your studies? Let's break it down.
- Choose the Right Goal.
- Choose the Right Task.
- Choose the Right Action or Strategy.
So, the next time you embark on a study session or tackle an assignment, think about the 80/20 way of working smarter, not harder. Identify the tasks and actions that truly matter and focus on these.
For more information visit the following website, www.studyskillshandbook.com.au, using the following details:
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
PBS Reward Lunch
Our top five point earners from each year groups were treated to a pizza lunch on the athletics carnival day. Every term we celebrate students who have consistently met our PBS expectations. These are the students that come to school and make the correct choices day in and day out.
We acknowledge them for their consistent commitment to learning, respect, responsibility, and wellbeing.
Our teachers continually acknowledge students for following our school-wide expectations in the classroom and out in the yard. Students collect these PBS points and they can be used at our PBS shop, which is open in Weeks 3, 6 and 9 of every term. On a Tuesday it is open for the lower school students (blue shirts) and Wednesday for the upper school students (white shirts).
See the flyer below with some of the items available to purchase.
Admin Report
Our school community is continuing to embark on an exciting journey of transformation, and we need your help to make it happen. By donating those 10-cent cans and bottles through Containers for Change, you're not only recycling, but also fuelling our fundraising efforts to enhance educational experiences for all students.
Each 10-cent container you donate represents more than just metal. It symbolises a tangible contribution to our school's growth and development. Through our collection initiative, we aim to promote sustainability while raising essential funds for various school programs, from extracurricular activities to classroom resources.
Every can counts, and every donation brings us closer to our goals. Whether you donate one can or a hundred, your contribution makes a meaningful impact on the lives of our students. Together, we can turn these humble containers into opportunities for learning and growth.
Join us in our mission to transform cans into change and fundraising for our school. Together, let's build a better tomorrow, one can at a time.
Wellbeing & Program Coordinators Report
ANZAC Day Assembly
Anzac Day falls on the 25th of April each year and is an integral part of our Nation’s history recognising those who sacrificed their lives for our country.
On the 24th of April, 2024 we held our annual ANZAC commemoration ceremony in our school gym with our staff, students, parents, and specially invited guests to be a part of our assembly.
Our Principals, Deputies, Head of Learning Areas, Special invited guests, and our Exec student leaders were treated to a small bag of home-made ANZAC cookies with a sprig of rosemary as a symbolic gesture towards ANZAC day. The story behind the ANZAC biscuit begins during World War One as friends and families sent food to their fighting men overseas. Due to the time delays in getting food items to the front lines, they had to send food that would remain edible for long periods of time and retained high nutritional value. The Anzac biscuit met this need and became first known as the soldiers’ biscuit.
Our hosts, James Ison and Jarrah Chandler, spoke exceptionally well while introducing and thanking our guests who came to commemorate with us. Our guest speakers shared some insight and heartfelt stories from the Vietnam War and the effect it left on their loved ones. Special guests, MLC Steve Thomas and Honourable Benjamin Dawkins, MLC, laid their wreaths alongside our School Captains, Abbey Rogers, Jeannette Kundi, and our ESC Captains, Jackson Annett and Rachel Bransby.
We would like to thank all of those involved who came to commemorate and organise this special assembly, our students demonstrated a high level of respect throughout as we commemorated our nations fallen heroes.
Lest we forget.
Learning Areas
Inter School athletics carnival.
At the end of last term, students competed in our School Athletics Carnival. It was great to see the talent we have in all the disciplines. Our students really went all out. It’s not all about winning and we acknowledge the students that got up and gave it a go: all participation earned points toward their respective factions.
We look forward to seeing how our students will perform in the Interschool Athletics Carnival on the 1st May. Good luck to all our students participating.
In Year 11 Wood, students have been working on their tea trays! Students develop their unique designs from initial research analysing existing products, developing investigative drawings from thumbnails to a final orthographic design. Students have created a final product using multiple types of wood, joining methods and tools to create their own unique tea tray product.
Career Practitioner
2024 brings exciting news to Newton Moore SHS with the launch of a Career Hub. While it is still a work in progress, a special thanks to Certificate II in Active Volunteering, Lachlan Malone and William Martin, for their active contribution to get the work rolling.
Year 7 and 8 Career Classes
In Term 1, Career Students had been learning about Career Development, Employability Skills, myfuture, Pathway planning, and the connection associated with school and work.
During Week 9 of Term 1, students in the Year 7 Career Classes had a guest speaker visit their lesson. Natasha Farmer, an ex-student of Newton Moore SHS from JSW training and Community Services/ Jobs and Skills, visited the Year 7’s in the Career Hub to answer the questions, ‘why do I go to school?’ and ‘what is work?’
Natasha spoke about the concept of ‘school is practice for work,’ with key focusses on learning skills at school such as communication, conflict resolution, deadlines respect, time management, appropriate uniform, and dress code. School plays an important role to teach us flexibilities, accountability, networking, and knowledge.
Furthermore, another key message, was that we are lifelong learners, and we should always be learning something new every day. Natasha discussed that it’s essential in life to set goals and have a plan even though plans can change, which is totally fine. While we learn our core subjects at school these set the foundational skills to build on for our future.
The key ‘take away’ from the sessions is that in schools and in the workforce, we can learn new skills, and knowledge; however, we are responsible for our own attitudes and only you as the individual can be liable for this.
Thank you, Natasha for visiting our Career Hub.
On Thursday 18th April, the Career Hub had a guest speaker, Brendan Sinnamon from the Australian Maritime College (University of Tasmania). He had the opportunity to present three sessions to the Year 8 and 10 Engineering and Horizons classes, and one of the Year 8 Careers Classes. He talked about Engineering, Seafaring and Logistics. The sessions were very informative and interesting. Students learnt about ocean seafaring, maritime engineering; and management and global logistics as well as discussion on current and past students who are studying and or working in the field. Brendan had the opportunity to check out the Year 10 Subs in Schools Team (Team Dolphins) work with Miss Barbera, and the hard work they did for the Nationals that took place in Adelaide back in March.
Aboriginal Education
It’s great to be back for Term 2 and so nice to see all the boys after a restful break.
It was straight into camp during week 1 for our Year 12 boys who attended the Southern Region Leadership Camp. The boys participated in sessions on Mindfulness, Pillars of Good Mental Health, Post School Planning and developed goals for all Year 12’s in the Southern Region this year. Two special activities the fellas enjoyed were Morning Training at the beautiful Meelup beach and a dinner at the Goose.
All of our Year 12’s represented the school and academy very well, and we are excited for them to be our largest group of graduating Year 12’s in the academy’s history.
The Clontarf Foundation has organised a fundraiser for our boys attending Country Week this year through our valued partner Bunnings, with a Sausage Sizzle on Sunday 12 May. If there are any teachers or families who like would like to assist with a shift, it would be greatly appreciated by all.
With two more camps to come, health checks, a number of after school sport matches against other Clontarf academies, our usual morning training and after school activities it is going to be a busy Term for our academy.
Clontarf Super Star of the Month
Bran has had the best possible start to his Clontarf journey. In Term 1, Bran had a school attendance of 98%, and attended every Clontarf morning training. He also received the Clontarf spirit award on Year 7 Induction Camp in Collie.
Bran is a legend, and we are looking forward to more highlights from him in the years to come.
Follow the Dream
My name is Milarn Oliver, and I am a Year 7 student who is involved in the Follow the Dream program.
I enjoy attending the tutoring sessions because I am able to complete my homework with the support of my teachers. My friends also attend, and we are able to work together to complete our work. The canteen provides us with nice snacks to keep us focused.
My name is Clifton Ryder, and I am a Year 8 student who is involved in the Didgeridoo project in the Living & Leading class.
The project is run by Glenn Garlett, the school Aboriginal Islander Education Officer (AIEO), and it involves the students painting, and placing designs on the didgeridoo, whether it be symbols or animals. We will then be taught how to play the Didgeridoo.
Specialist Programs
Science Horizons
Synergy Schools Solar Challenge
Choice Programs
Melbourne Trip
Day 1: We arrived in Melbourne after a short delay. The students were able to see Melbourne from above at the Skydeck!
Day 2: We had a bike tour around Melbourne’s sights, learning lots of knowledge and history about Melbourne, and a pizza lunch on Lygon Street at Papa Gino’s.
We finished day 2 off with a visit to The Lume, and the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition- wow!
The students enjoyed dinner at the Spaghetti Tree where we enjoyed a feast of great Italian food.
Day 3: We started the day with our Sports Lover Tour, visiting Olympic Park, Collingwood Football Club and Gosch’s Paddock where the Melbourne Storm were training.
We were then lucky to meet and get a photo with Eddie Betts!
The students then went on a tour of the MCG with tour guide, Ian; he was so knowledgeable about the facility! We went into the coach’s media room, got a great view of Melbourne city, and got to step onto the oval, and tour the Melbourne change rooms.
We then headed to Kia Arena, and the National Tennis Centre where we viewed their playing courts and gym. We watched some tennis and got to step onto court.
We then headed to the National Sports Museum at the MCG for some interactive games, and Australian sporting history.
We finished the day by watching Melbourne Demons vs Brisbane Lions at the MCG, where the Lions had a 22 point win! An awesome experience, and a highlight for many!
Day 4: We started our day by heading down to Albert Park and the Victorian Institute of Sport. The students met Tess Lloyd, a 49er FX sailor and Tokyo Olympian who introduced us to the venue and took us on a tour of the facilities.
We then participated in an ergo bike challenge, trying to see how far we could get in 1 minute- it was harder than it looked! Well done to Conor (688 metres), Jada (628 metres) and Mr Towers (693 metres)! Students saw the sport science equipment and learnt how athletes can work to get their best performance in heat, cold and at altitude- thanks VIS and Tess!
We headed to a lovely Italian dinner at La Camera, before heading to AAMI stadium for a rugby league game- Melbourne Storm vs Canterbury Bulldogs. An awesome experience, made even better by a snap with Storm player Ryan Papenhuyzen!
Day 5: We started the day exploring the Queen Victoria Markets, then we headed to Holey Moley for 18 holes of Mini Golf- well done to Miss Smith, and Lucas, as well as the blue team for taking out the wins! We then headed to Marvel to watch Carlton vs Adelaide! A fantastic way to round out our trip before heading home.
News from Parent Bodies
Canteen News
We are keen to welcome volunteers to the canteen. Volunteers help greatly assists the canteen to operate successfully and is a great way to be part of the school, too! If you can spare some time, even as little as 30-45 minutes once or twice a week or month, it would be of great help. Your time will really make a difference and be greatly appreciated.
If you can assist in the canteen
Please contact the school to speak with the Canteen Team or email us at nmshs-canteen@bigpond.com
School Board
Thank you to the School Board again for their support and diligence in attending meetings and supporting our school focuses. At the last school board meeting, we had an excellent presentation about our Science Specialist programs – Science Horizons and Science Engineering. What was most encouraging was the way that the Science department continue to look at ways of improving and building on their impressive specialist programs.
The school board members also had the opportunity to examine the 2023 upper school results and spent some time exploring and examining some data from the new “Metrics”.
The Annual report for 2023 was also presented to the school board and is available to review by parents and guardians on our school website.
Community Notices
The Bunbury Netball Association is running a No Limits Netball Program this coming May, aimed at participants 12 years and over with an intellectual disability. For those participants interested, we are offering a free clinic on Wednesday 24th April for you to come and have a go.
Calling all Hoopers
born 2015 - 2010
𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯
Want to keep working on your game in the off season?
BBA Winter Academy program is designed to keep you in “the game” and assist in elevating your skills to the next level.
Our program not only focuses on the development of skills but building of strong core/moral values in each individual by using the game of basketball.
Our passion is to teach athletes about living with INTEGRITY and such inner disciplines as: commitment, work ethic, and perseverance, which will set you up for success on the court, in the classroom, and ultimately in life!
Bunbury Bears Winter Academy runs in Term 2 & 3 at the
Southwest Sports Centre
Days & training times:
🏀 Monday afternoons 4.00pm-5.30pm - Skills based
🏀 Wednesday morning 6.30am-7.30am - Shooting development
Term dates:
Term 2 - Monday 29th April - Wed 26th June
Term 3 - Monday 15th July - Wed 29th August
The academy will feature BBA State Representative coaches & invitational special guests.
Register here.
Kidpsort Vouchers available.
Please email all enquiries and EOI for older players to:
Attn: Lee Aird